The Dangers of MDMA and Alcohol
All too often, people who suffer from addiction do not get the help that they need for their substance use. Some of them feel alone or ashamed of their condition and don’t know how or where to go to find help.
Some can’t afford the kind of help that they need. Perhaps they are aware that they need help, but the prospect of rehab gives them pause.
Sivana Bali is here to offer those people the help that they need. Nestled in Canggu, Bali, we offer patients world-class addiction treatment under our international team of certified experts.
All of this is done in our resort-like facility, where patients will be met with evidence-based modalities and holistic treatment approaches to help them heal their substance abuse disorders.
What is MDMA?
MDMA stands for 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine. It is a synthetic drug that is colloquially known as either molly or ecstasy. MDMA is associated with recreational use in nightclubs, raves, and parties. The high it produces comes with a feeling of euphoria. It affects serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine in the brain.
The Highs of MDMA
Molly is a popular party drug because the high that it produces is pleasurable. People who take ecstasy can find themselves having more energy, being aware of pleasure, and having more emotional warmth.
A person who experiences the high of MDMA may also feel some of the following:
- Euphoria: One of the most desirable parts of MDMA use is the euphoric high that it produces. Under the influence of MDMA, a person can experience greater pleasure and happiness.
- Increased empathy: Some people who take MDMA may find themselves being more empathetic towards others. They’ll feel a deeper emotional connection to others and be more understanding of their experiences.
- Increased sociability: Related to the above, people who are under the influence of ecstasy may become more extroverted and become more sociable.
- Enhanced sensory perception: Taking ecstasy can make a person more aware of their senses. Colours, sounds, and tactile sensations may become more intense under the influence of molly.
- Reduced anxiety: People who use MDMA may find themselves feeling less anxious. The euphoric high of MDMA can help a person relax.
The Side Effects of MDMA
While it cannot be denied that MDMA comes with highs, there are dangerous side effects to its use. Some of these side effects can include:

Body Temperature
Taking ecstasy can increase the body temperature and make a person sweat more. This can increase the risk of dehydration if the person who took the ecstasy doesn’t drink fluids.
In extreme cases, the body temperature can be raised so much that a person experiences hyperthermia. This is when the body’s temperature goes up to dangerously high levels and puts a person at risk for heatstroke or organ failure.
Jaw Clenching and Dental Problems
It is a well-known fact that the consumption of molly, also known as MDMA, can result in jaw clenching and teeth grinding. These actions can cause serious discomfort in the jaw muscles and may lead to dental problems such as chipped or worn teeth. It is crucial to be aware of these potential side effects – don’t take these risks lightly; take charge of your health and well-being by taking necessary measures to prevent these side effects.
Psychological Effects
One of the effects of MDMA is that after the high, a person may experience a depressive episode. This is due to a depletion of serotonin and is usually temporary.
While taking molly is usually associated with feeling less anxiety, some people can experience an increase in anxiety and become paranoid. This is particularly true when someone is coming down from their high. Some users may also have difficulty sleeping after taking molly.
Memory Loss
Frequent use of MDMA is strongly associated with short-term memory loss and other cognitive impairments. It’s crucial to be aware of this drug’s potential risks and consequences. Please prioritise your health and well-being by making informed choices.
The Effects of Alcohol
Alcohol is available in many varieties, and people consume it for a variety of reasons. Some people drink it as a social lubricant when they are with friends, while others use it to cope with stress after a long day. It is also used in recipes when cooking food. Alcohol is a legal and freely available substance that is normalised in society.
In moderation, alcohol’s effects are usually minimal. Most people who have one or two drinks may feel a slight buzz, but they won’t be drunk. Others will remain perfectly sober.
However, drinking a lot of it at once can lead to several side effects. It can decrease a person’s alertness and coordination, making operating heavy machinery like an automobile difficult. Consuming alcohol can lead to making decisions that would not have been made while sober, as alcohol consumption can affect a person’s judgment and lower their inhibitions.
One of the more notable effects of alcohol consumption is the hangover. A few hours after drinking alcohol, a person can wake up with a headache, nausea, dehydration, and be hypersensitive to light and sound. Long-term alcohol abuse can also lead to chronic health problems such as cirrhosis. Because of how common alcohol consumption is, alcohol use disorder or alcoholism can often go unnoticed.

Effects of Mixing Alcohol with MDMA
Because of its nature as a party drug, people will inevitably mix ecstasy and alcohol. It’s not uncommon for alcohol, MDMA, or other drugs to be available at nightclubs or festivals, with one being sold legally and the other being an open secret.
However, alcohol interactions with other substances can produce a number of potentially dangerous side effects. When a person takes alcohol with MDMA, these side effects can include:
Increased Overdose Risk
One of the more serious side effects of mixing MDMA with alcohol is that the signs of being intoxicated can get masked. This can lead to a false sense of sobriety. This can cause someone to drink more alcohol or take more molly, leading to a greater risk of alcohol poisoning or an MDMA overdose.
Because both molly and alcohol are diuretics, mixing alcohol and molly can both increase the need to urinate individually. When taken together, they can enhance the other’s effects, which can put a user at an increased risk of dehydration.
Risk Taking
Individually, MDMA and alcohol can cause lowered inhibitions and make a person more prone to risky behaviour. When drinking alcohol with MDMA, this effect can be exaggerated and lead to much lower inhibitions and can make the wrong call.

Worsened Hangover (Comedown)
The comedown from both alcohol and ecstasy are bad enough by themselves, but when taking MDMA and alcohol together, their respective hangovers can also mix together. The normal symptoms of a hangover, like fatigue, headaches, nausea, and dehydration, can intensify, leading to more discomfort than if they had been taken separately. Impaired Coordination
Since alcohol and molly can both impair motor coordination separately, mixing ecstasy with alcohol can exaggerate this effect. This can lead to a greater loss of motor coordination than if each substance had been taken individually.
There is some evidence that posits that taking MDMA with alcohol may increase MDMA’s neurotoxic effects. This can lead to long-term cognitive and mood-related disorders.
Cardiovascular Issues
MDMA use can elevate blood pressure, and alcohol use can also affect the cardiovascular system. Combining alcohol and MDMA can strain the cardiovascular system, leading to palpitation, an irregular heart rate, and chest pains.
It should be noted that pills sold as ecstasy can contain chemicals like amphetamines or caffeine. Because of this, the side effects of MDMA and alcohol use can be predictable. Another factor that leads to unpredictability is the concentration of MDMA in the pills.
Signs of an Overdose and Other Reactions
If you mix MDMA and alcohol, or you’re with someone who does, then you need to look for signs that a person may be overdosing or having a serious reaction to it. Some of these signs can include:
- Excessive sweating
- Clammy skin
- Nausea and/or vomiting
- Fainting
- Disorientation
- Dehydration
If you notice these signs in yourself or someone else, you have a few treatment options at your disposal. First, you need to cool down the body. Use a cold compress, and make sure to rehydrate with fluids.
In the event of an overdose, you have to call emergency services and make sure to turn a person on their side in so they don’t choke in case they start vomiting. Stay with the person overdosing until help arrives and recount all the events leading up to the overdose to the paramedics.
Overcome MDMA and Alcohol Addiction with Sivana Bali
Addiction is often a significant, if not all-encompassing, part of someone’s life. Most people struggling with an addiction feel like they are defined solely by their addictions. They can feel like they are an addict, and that is all there is to their story.
Maybe they’ve gone through some alcohol misuse or taken drugs mixed with alcohol. Whatever is plaguing them, it feels so overwhelming that they never seek a diagnosis or treatment for it.
Whatever the case, be it MDMA or alcohol or some other drug, an addiction isn’t the most defining part of a person. It’s a chapter in their story, but it’s not the beginning, and it’s certainly not the end.
Contact us at Sivana Bali, and we’ll help you write your own story, free from addiction.
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