How To Recognise And Manage Meth Sores

Meth is one of the most commonly misused drugs that affect several people across the globe. It is a highly addictive substance that poses a significant threat to one’s physical and psychological health. Chronic use of crystal meth can lead to cardiovascular issues, respiratory problems, neurological damage, mental health disorders, and addiction. However, many of us do not notice one of the most visible symptoms of meth addiction – meth sores. 

In this discussion, join us here at Sivana Bali as we discover some of the ways on how to spot meth sores and what we can do to manage them appropriately.  

What Are Meth Sores?

Meth or crystal methamphetamine is a substance that directly affects the central nervous system (CNS). It is a psychostimulant substance that evokes complex interactions and disturbances in various brain neurotransmitters, resulting in euphoria, increased arousal, and psychomotor activation.

Meth is typically found in powder, paste, or crystal form, which can either be smoked, injected, snorted, or taken orally. Apart from life-threatening health consequences that may be brought by repeated crystal meth use, some individuals may present skin-related conditions associated with compulsive meth use, such as meth sores and meth mites. 

Meth sores are open wounds or skin lesions brought by regular meth use and can be commonly found in an individual’s chest, arms, hands, or around the mouth. These noticeable signs of meth use may happen because of repeated skin scratches or picking.

It can also be caused by meth’s toxic effects on the body, such as weakening the immune system, which increases susceptibility to infectious diseases. Sometimes, meth sores are due to burns from meth paraphernalia and lack of personal hygiene.

What are Meth Mites?

Individuals who use meth may experience tactile hallucinations, specifically formication. It happens when someone hallucinates the feeling of crawling insects in their skin. These experiences are more commonly known as meth mites.

This perceived imaginary bug experience can be disturbing and overwhelming to the extent that the individual begins scratching or picking the skin to relieve themselves from these imaginary crawling bugs. However, as the individuals fail to get rid of the tactile hallucination, they start intensely scratching the skin, leading to open wounds or sores. When left untreated, this could lead to infections such as cellulitis, abscesses, and sepsis. 

What Do Meth Sores Look Like?

If you see someone who has meth sores, you might mistakenly notice those sores as acne or pimple breakouts. These meth sores typically appear as a red, inflamed patch on the skin or open wound and may also have a scabby appearance as they heal. These sores often result from an individual’s aggressive skin picking because of tactile hallucination. Initially, meth sores look like small bites or burns, but as the infection or irritation spreads due to repeatedly itching, they become a large open wound. 

What Causes Meth Sores?

There are a wide range of potential causes of meth sores. However, some of the most commonly identified triggers include the following:

  • Meth Mites: Although a single use of meth does not usually cause sores, repeated use triggers tactile hallucinations such as meth mites and could prompt the individual to aggressively pick or scratch the skin to get rid of the perceived or imagined bugs.
  • Chemical Irritation and Paraphernalia Use: Meth is a substance that contains acidic properties and can irritate the skin. Some individuals may also develop meth sores around their mouth due to burns from the pipes.  
  • Problems in Blood Flow: Meth sore may be caused by restricted blood vessels due to compulsive or excessive meth use.
  • Weakened Immune System: The compromised immune system is standard among meth users. As a result, the body has a weak ability to fight off infections, leading to problems in healing the sores. 
  • Compromised Hygiene: Individuals with meth abuse problems often show neglect in various areas of functioning, including a lack of personal hygiene. This contributes to more severe skin deterioration and infections such as sores. 

Treatment for Meth Sores

At present, there is no specific treatment for meth sores apart from general wound care. This includes making the open sore dry and clean to avoid irritation and infection, which may exacerbate the condition. In addition, when the meth sore appears, the individual must avoid scratching or picking them to prevent further skin damage.

In some cases, meth sores may require medical attention due to infection. When this happens, the healthcare provider may prescribe antibiotics to help the body manage infections and prevent them from spreading. However, this may be considered a short-term solution as the underlying problem of meth sore infection comes from problematic meth use. Hence, treatment requires a comprehensive intervention that addresses meth abuse. 

Early Signs of Meth Addiction 

Meth addiction is a complex condition characterised by problematic meth use despite the negative consequences and impairment in the day-to-day functioning of the individual. This pattern of use leads to distress and may manifest early signs such as:

  • Meth is taken in a large amount
  • Inability to control meth or drug use
  • Essential activities are compromised due to meth use
  • Strong urge to use meth
  • Significant obligations at work, school, or home are not fulfilled
  • Interpersonal problems
  • Recurrent meth consumption in risky situations
  • Tolerance and withdrawal symptoms 

Treatment and Recovery for Meth Addiction

Meth addiction is managed using a comprehensive treatment programme that covers a combination of various approaches to promote long-term recovery and prevent relapse. Here at Sivana Bali, we treat individuals with meth addiction through:

Inpatient Rehab

Rehabilitation or rehab is a structured therapeutic environment that helps individuals overcome their meth addiction. Depending on their needs, this intervention requires the individual to stay in the facility or treatment centre for days or months. While being treated in the rehab, the individual is cared for by experts and staff who provide around-the-clock support throughout the treatment process.  

Individual Therapy

Individuals who have meth addiction also receive regularly scheduled individual therapy to help them recognise the underlying issues that cause and maintain compulsive meth use. Individual therapy also teaches them skills on how to deal effectively with triggers, urges, and cravings. Some of the most commonly used individual psychotherapy include cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT).

Group Therapy

Group therapy is another form of treatment option that is highly effective in managing symptoms of meth addiction, reducing experienced stigma and social withdrawal, and promoting a healthy lifestyle. The sessions in group therapy create an avenue for people with meth addiction to safely share their experiences, journey, challenges, and struggles, allowing them to learn from each other and feel less isolated. 

Holistic Treatment

Treatment for individuals with meth addiction does not only focus on reducing symptoms. At Sivana Bali, we also provide a holistic approach that promotes overall well-being by integrating physical, psychological, and spiritual treatment. Some of our holistic interventions include physiotherapy, dance and movement therapy, yoga, and more. 

We Offer Support and Meth Addiction Treatment at Sivana Bali 

Addressing meth sores and addiction is challenging but an essential step towards reclaiming health and well-being. Although recovery from meth addiction is possible, it does not happen overnight. However, you can make a significant difference with the proper treatment, resources, and commitment to intervention by reaching out to professionals. 

If you or someone you know is struggling with meth addiction or any of its associated complications, such as meth sore, do not hesitate to connect with us. Our dedicated staff and team of experts are ready to help you live a healthy life. 

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