How Propranolol For Anxiety Works
Many people struggle with the symptoms of anxiety. While worrying over things is natural, many people who have anxiety will worry about things that are unlikely to happen.
Their rational minds may understand how unlikely a given scenario is, but that does not stop their brains from immediately imagining the worst-case scenario.
Anxiety is not a disorder that is easy to live with. Many people are frustrated at their constant and sometimes irrational worry.
There are numerous ways in which anxiety can be treated, and one of the ways that people manage their symptoms is by taking Propranolol.
What is Propranolol?
Propranolol is a beta blocker. Beta-blockers are typically used to treat cardiovascular conditions such as high blood pressure, chest pains, and irregular heart rates and prevent migraines. They work by blocking the effects of adrenaline. This helps lower blood pressure, slow down heart rate, and decrease the overall strain on the heart.
How Does Propranolol Work For Anxiety?
In addition to helping people with their cardiovascular issues, Propranolol may also be used to treat anxiety, especially for people who have stage fright or performance anxiety. It does this because its effects can help alleviate the physical symptoms of anxiety, such as rapid heart rate and tremors. However, it is not typically used as a first-line treatment for anxiety symptoms.
Will Propranolol Affect Daily Life?
While propranolol can be prescribed to help treat issues with heart rate and blood pressure, some side effects may interfere with daily life. Initially, taking Propranolol can make a person feel dizzy.
It can also cause people to have cold hands or feet. In some cases, it can disturb a person’s sleep either by making it difficult for them to fall asleep or causing distressing nightmares. However, these side effects are typically short-lived.
Propranolol can also cause either diarrhoea or constipation. Some people who take it may also vomit. It can also cause people to feel weak or tired.
While Propranolol helps with heart troubles, its side effects can cause inconvenience in day-to-day life.
Is The Use Of Propranolol Suitable For Everyone?
No, the use of Propranolol is not suitable for everyone. While it is generally ideal for most people, there are some people for whom the drug may not be appropriate. Children under the age of 12 should refrain from taking the medication.
While Propranolol can help in the treatment of anxiety, people who have low blood pressure or a slow heart rate should not take the medication. People who have diabetes or liver problems should also abstain from Propranolol.
Other people who should avoid taking Propranolol are people who have lung problems such as asthma and those who are pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or are currently breastfeeding.
When Is The Best Time To Take Propranolol?
Because Propranolol can sometimes cause dizziness and fatigue, it’s recommended that people take it around bedtime. However, if they don’t experience these side effects, it’s fine for them to take it in the morning.
What Is The Propranolol Dose For Anxiety?
Propranolol is sometimes used as a treatment for situational anxiety. It generally comes in 10 mg or 40 mg tablets or 80 mg and 160 mg slow-release tablets. The exact dosage that a person should take for anxiety will depend on the person and the prescribed amount by their physician.
A healthy adult can take around 40 mg up to 3 times a day for anxiety. Those who are over the age of 65 or have kidney or liver problems may be directed to take a lower dosage of the medication.
It should be noted that taking more than one dose at a time is not advisable. Forgetting one dose shouldn’t compel a person to take an extra dose to compensate.
Does Taking Propranolol For Anxiety Have An Immediate Effect?
Taking Propranolol for anxiety can have an immediate effect. Around half an hour after taking the medication, a person may begin to feel relief from anxiety symptoms. These effects can last around 3 to 4 hours.
That said, Propranolol will not help any of the mental symptoms of anxiety. A person who takes the medication will still have the constant worry. They’ll still be tense and continue to contend with a sense of dread regardless of the medication. They just won’t have to deal with any of the physical signs of anxiety.
However, the lack of physical symptoms can help people feel less anxious and alleviate some of the psychological aspects of anxiety.
Can Propranolol Be Taken With Other Medications?
Propranolol can be taken with other medications. However, it’s important to do so under the guidance of a doctor, as medications may interact. Certain medications can interact with Propranolol in a way that either increases or decreases its efficacy.
What Happens When You Forget To Take It?
If you forget to take a dose, your next move will depend on the time. If it is almost time for your next dose of the medication, then it is best to wait until it’s time for you to take it again and just have your regular dose.
Do not try to make up for the missed dose. To avoid missing a dose, set a reminder or an alarm on your phone to alert you when it’s time to take your medication.
What Happens When You Take Too Much?
While a doctor may prescribe Propranolol to help with heart problems, taking too much of it can still be dangerous. Sometimes, it can cause a person’s heart rate to slow down significantly. It can also cause seizures and tremors, and it can make it hard for some users to breathe. However, what constitutes ‘too much’ will vary from person to person.
Potential Side Effects Of Propranolol
Common side effects of Propranolol can include dizziness, headaches, fatigue, cold fingers or toes, nausea, and stomach pain. These side effects are rare and typically affect only 1 in 100 users.
Severe Side Effects
While most people who take the medication will experience mild side effects, if at all, there are still some severe side effects. Some people may experience shortness of breath that can be exacerbated when they do physical activity such as walking up the stairs. They may also feel tight in the chest. These are signs of heart or lung problems.
In some cases, liver damage can occur, which is often marked by yellow skin. However, this effect may not be noticeable in people with dark complexions. The whites of the eyes may also turn yellow.
Another serious side effect is thrombocytopenia or a low number of platelets in the blood. This is marked by frequent nosebleeds or unexplained or more frequent bruising.
Some people may also be allergic and can go into anaphylaxis as a result of taking the medication.

What To Do When You No Longer Need To Take Propranolol
It’s generally not advisable to stop taking Propranolol immediately as this can cause chest pains and irregular heartbeats. If you find yourself no longer needing to take the drug, your doctor may instead prescribe you to wean yourself off of it by lowering your dosage until you eventually stop taking it.
Getting Help With Anxiety Disorder
Anxiety is a condition that can be distressing. The constant dread and worry can cause several health problems. In some cases, it can give someone ulcers. The chronic stress that comes as a result of anxiety can also prematurely age a person.
Propranolol is used for the treatment of anxiety in some cases. However, there are better, more comprehensive treatments for the disorder. These treatments can help people calm down and get their symptoms in check.
Sivana Bali can offer comprehensive anxiety treatment that can help people live their lives instead of worrying about everything that could go wrong with it. Contact us now to learn more.
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